Start with a module
Welcome to the Transformative Economy Curriculum Modules!
The learning journey starts with choosing a module to start with. You’ll be directed back to this page at the end of each module.
How to choose a module?
The unfolding of each Transformative Economy initiative is necessarily infused by all those areas. The curriculum supports individual and collective learning by considering them ever more consciously and deliberately, each of them in their own right, but ultimately all of them in conjunction.
In principle, you can choose any module to start with, and any other is suitable for another round. However, for conceiving or launching a new initiative, we recommend starting with module A and following the sequence B, C and D. Existing initiatives, in contrast, might want to pick the module that relates most strongly to their current pain points or development opportunities.
You can also work your way through a single module of your choice as a stand-alone learning opportunity. It can also be worthwhile going through the same module more than once, deepening the practices or choosing other practices in each phase of the learning process. The more modules you follow, the deeper you will dive into the complexities of catalysing socio-economic transformation, and the clearer the strong interdependencies between the areas of attention the modules focus on will become to you and your collaborators.
Once your initiative adopts one or the other practice suggested by the curriculum in its regular workings, or insights resulting from a practice, the learning takes root and transforms reality.

Choose and open one module to enter into a new learning journey!
Focused on what brings an initiative to life: its purpose. A caring purpose takes into consideration the needs, potential and limits of its social and ecological context as much as the aspirations of the people that are contributing to the initiative.
Focused on what the initiative is doing that is of value for its stakeholders and the wider common good. It explores different scales and types of action as well as their respective desired and undesired effects in terms of the ecological, biodiversity and social footprints.
Focused on organisational culture, structure, governance and development. It touches upon power and participation, diversity and inclusion inside the initiative, on the processes for making decisions, coordinating work, distributing roles and allocating resources.
Focused on how to create and maintain longer-term partnerships with other transformative initiatives and with institutions that are mutually beneficial, that generate more desirable impact together than each of them alone, and that start constituting a transformation system imbued with collective intentionality.