You are in the ‘Back to the soil’ phase.
Here is where you celebrate and get ready to close the journey
This is the last phase of the WeLand vortex that brings us to collectively evaluate and close the process.
You are now ready to open another vortex whenever the need emerges and go through a new cycle of learning or practising.
Take time to breathe and celebrate.
Look at your notes and do a final reflection with some guiding questions.
- Think back at this curriculum, look at the WeBoard to connect with and sense the phases in the WeLand vortex.
- How did you feel and what inspired you?
- Think about what you would like to do better next time you engage in a process like this - evaluation and lessons learned are an important part of learning experiences, the seeds for the new openings.
- What did you like the most? What could have been better? Check toolkit cards dedicated to evaluation.
- Visit the different phases and practices you went through making sense of your place, community and initiative.
Image 12: Planting the seed of reconciliation (Dolor Quiles, 2022)
We are grateful to have you becoming part of this community.
May this work benefit all beings, everywhere.
Congratulations! You completed the first step into the Community Catalyst universe.
- Read about the theoretical frameworks, check the readings available on the platform
- Navigate the Community Catalyst toolkit
- Explore other learning tools checking the Learning section of our platform
- Join the Community Catalyst Community of Practice
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